William Leon Wiley autobiography [manuscript].
Related Entities
There are 6 Entities related to this resource.
Harvard University
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Harvard College was founded by a vote of the Great and General Court of Massachusetts on October 28, 1636 that allocated “400£ towards a schoale or colledge.” Subsequent legislative acts established the Board of Overseers, but it was the Charter of 1650 that created the Harvard Corporation as the College's primary governing board and defined its composition and authority. The College Charter became a contentious target for College officials, the Massachusetts Governor and General C...
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University of North Carolina (1793-1962)
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The University of North Carolina was chartered by the state's General Assembly in 1789. Its first student was admitted in 1795. The governing body of the University, from its founding until 1932, was a forty-member Board of Trustees elected by the General Assembly. The Board met twice a year; at other times the business of the University was carried on by the Board's secretary-treasurer and by the presiding professor (called president beginning in 1804). Other faculty members later assumed the r...
Wiley, William Leon
http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6z04g6h (person)
William Leon Wiley (1902- ), professor of Romance Languages at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Wiley was born and raised in rural Georgia, son of a public school administrator and teacher. He attended the University of Chattanooga, 1917-1921, after which he taught at Chickamauga High School. In 1922, he, at age 19, succeeded his father as superintendent of Chickamauga Schools. In 1923, Wiley went to graduate school at Harvard; in 1925, he began teaching in the Department of Roma...
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Department of Romance languages
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The Department of Romance Languages was established in 1901 as the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures and became the academic department providing coursework in romance languages. In 1905, the name changed to Department of Romance Languages. Prior to 1901, romance and Germanic languages were taught in one department, known as the Department of Modern Languages. From the description of Records of the Dept. of Romance Languages, 1952-1980 [manuscript]. WorldCat record id: ...